Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Everyone Loves a Parade - Geek Devotion for Palm Sunday

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday.  It is the start of Holy week, or remembering Jesus’ last week on earth.  The Gospel story for Palm Sunday is Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  The people are shouting and proclaiming him the Savior.  They are waving Palm branches and laying their cloaks in the road to make a carpet for his Donkey.
          Even though they are right; Jesus is their savior he is not the kind of savior that they want.  He has come to offer his life as a sacrifice for their sins.  But they want a conquering king.  They want a warrior with an army of angels to  overthrow the Romans and give Jerusalem back to the Hebrew people.
          I was trying to think of a Geeky analogy to help you understand what was going on.  How this parade could turn into a mob that would demand his death.
          I thought of the Dragon Con Parade each year.  Not only Dragon Con attendees, but lots of regular citizens of Atlanta come for the parade.  They cheer their favorite characters.  Any given year there will be a good number of the soldiers from the 300, a group of Amazons including several Wonder Women, The Avengers, Some of the Justice League, and of course the 501st.  My great hope is that this year someone will do Beebo God of War.
          Now just imagine if the crowd didn’t realize that they were Cosplayers.  What if they thought that they were real soldiers and Super Heroes.  There are a lot of problems in our society today.  There is lots of division.  Lots of anger, even hatred.  Imagine you are in the crowd and see the chance for these heroes to make everything right again.  They could march down to city hall (or even Washington DC) and kick out all the corrupt politicians.  They could fix all our problems.  They could save us from ourselves and our poor political decisions.  That would be worth cheering for.  Then, you realize that isn’t why they are here.  That they are not going to do anything about the mess we are in.  Would you feel betrayed?  Would you feel angry?
          Jerusalem had political problems worse than we do.  They were occupied.  The Romans appointed puppets to rule for them.  If they didn’t do what Rome wanted, they could be replaced.  They had no say in their governing.  If they spoke up they could be arrested or even killed.  They knew the stories of God saving the people and leading them out of slavery in Egypt.  They knew that God promised a savior.  But they didn’t realize that politics come and go.  Rome wasn’t going to rule forever.  In the grand scheme of things, who has political power isn’t that important.
          Don’t get me wrong, Hitler was evil.  He needed to be opposed.  Some of the Roman Emperors were nearly as bad.  They fed people to lions for sport, or my particular favorite, they would dip people who refused to worship the Emperor in Pitch and light them on fire to use as street lights at night.  The Jews were right in wanting to get out from under Roman rule, but that wasn’t why Jesus came.
          Jesus came to save us from our sins.  Our salvation isn’t earthly, because if you kick out one corrupt government another will eventually take it’s place.  Jesus came to give us a place in God’s heavenly kingdom.  Jesus came so that we would have a place at the heavenly banquet.
          The story of Palm Sunday and what follows is to long to read for a five minute devotion.  So for those who want to hear the whole story you can find it in Luke 19:28-40.  If you really want to know what is coming you can continue with the passion story, some of which I will cover next week.  You can find it in Luke 22 starting around verse 14 and continuing through the end of chapter 23.