Tuesday, May 3, 2022

On Freedom, Politics, and Goats

          Back 250 to 300 years ago people left the old world to head to the colonies.  If you lived in a Catholic country and you were Protestant you were persecuted, legislated against, and even jailed.  Oddly enough the same happened to Catholics living in Protestant countries.  If you were Puritan, or Quaker, or Anabaptist or other denominations that weren’t mainstream your life could be hell.  So, they came here for the freedom to worship as they choose.

           Our founding fathers recognized that.  They built the separation of church and state right into our government.  They put in checks and balances.  They put in three branches of government so that this kind of persecution would NOT happen here. 

           Now, some people think that the separation of church and state is to protect churches from the government messing with them and legislating and forcing them to do things that they do not believe in.  But that is only HALF of it.  It is also to keep any church from legislating its beliefs onto everyone.  Because be honest, not all protestant denominations agree on everything.  (Even within each denomination there are disagreements on beliefs.) Then factor in Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, not to mention the non-Christian faiths; Muslims, Hindu, and all the others.  That doesn’t cover those who consider themselves agnostic or atheist.  America, because of the foresight of our founding fathers has become a religious melting pot, and that really upsets some people.

           In the past several years there has been a large movement to legislate religious beliefs.  If they can’t make you believe like they do, they will darn well force you to abide by it.  They will make it illegal for anyone to disagree with them.  There have been laws passed to prevent minorities from voting (even though that is unconstitutional.)  There have been laws passed to oppress the LGTBQ+ community.  Recently laws have been springing up all over the South trying to overturn Roe Vs. Wade to regulate a woman’s rights because it goes against certain denominations’ beliefs.

           I LOVE OUR COUNTRY!  But my heart has been breaking for many years now at the prejudice and hate that are rearing their ugly heads.  The Roman Empire became too corrupt and collapsed under the weight of it.  I am afraid that we are heading for the same fate.

           When a mob stormed the capitol to overthrow the results of a democratic election I was first shocked, then horrified and devastated.  They were trying to undo the safeguards that our founding fathers put there to protect the people.  I am still mourning that to this day.

           But today many states are trying to legislate religious beliefs on abortion.  Yes, it is all about religious belief because they ignore the doctors saying that there are many MEDICAL reasons that abortions are used to save the life of the mother.  They are doing EXACTLY what caused our foremothers and forefathers to flee to the new world, because the government was dictating what they had to believe. 

           It is actually worse than just that.  They are being Pharisaical.  If you are a Christian you should remember the Pharisees.  They are the ONLY people that Jesus got really mad at.  You know why?  The Pharisees were adding on laws that were oppressing and causing hardship to the common people.  It is fine for you wealthy, well respected Religious leaders to follow all the cleanliness laws.  You don’t have to work with sheep, or farm.  They were heaping rule after rule that was oppressing “The Least of These.”  Jesus had some very stern words for them. 

           Since the Pharisaical Politicians are so fond of quoting scripture to prove their point, try these on for size.  Luke 17:2 “It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these little ones to stumble.  Jesus is ALWAYS on the side of the victims and the oppressed, the vulnerable, and the helpless.  So, you know who are the least of these?  Not old white male politicians!  It is the people of color, the immigrant, the refugee, the LTGBQ+ teen, the women who were raped or abused.  They are who Jesus stands with.  They are the one that Jesus protects.  Harming the least of these is what really makes him angry.

           “Matthew 25” has become a movement in the Presbyterian Church.  It has three pledges: Building Congregational Vitality, Dismantling structural racism, and Eradicating systematic poverty.  You may be thinking, what on earth does that have to do with your current rant?  Well, Matthew 25 is where we get the story of the sheep and the goats.  Whether we wind up in the Kingdom prepared for us or are told to depart from Jesus into eternal fire depends on how we treat the least of these.  How will we be judged?  It won’t be on passing oppressive laws or making hurdles that people have to jump through.  Matthew 25:35-36 tells us what really matters. “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”  It all depends on how we treat the least of these.

           I think that the saddest part of the story is that the sheep (who did that) and the goats (who didn’t) had no idea that they were caring for or ignoring the least of these.  Today it is worse.  They aren’t just ignoring, they are oppressing and persecuting the least of these. 

           Yes, I am human.  I fully acknowledge that I will be wrong some times.  (We all will.)  But I would rather err on the side of compassion, love, acceptance, and forgiveness that wind up being a goat.

           I urge all politicians out there to carefully look at what you are doing and why.  Because many of you are acting like goats.  Many of you go beyond goats to becoming Pharisees.  It is sabotaging our freedom and destroying what our founding fathers have made.  Even the Supreme Court can no longer be trusted to keep religious views out of their judgements even though they swore that they would.

           It is wonderful that you have faith that you are passionate about!  But don’t inflict it on everyone.  Because I promise you that there are people in YOUR OWN CHURCH that have a different opinion than you, let alone other denominations, and other faiths.  Don’t set us back 250 years.  Don’t legislate your religious beliefs.  That is what you are doing!  You believe that Homosexuality is a sin.  So, instead of avoiding it yourself (which is what your faith calls you to do) you force everyone to fit what you believe.  You know what, Jesus believes that we are all beautiful children of God.  If you believe that abortion is a sin, then don’t have one!  But instead you decide for every single person without considering circumstances.  And I am not even going to go into how you treat refugees, immigrants, the poor, and people of color BECAUSE THE BIBLE CLEARLY SAYS THAT GOD PROTECTS THEM AND THAT WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THEM.  You have no religious argument to stand on for those evil laws.

           I feel that so many of our politicians are corrupt and selfish and are legislating what they want over what the people really need.  And, “but my constituents want it too” doesn’t give you right to go against the separation of church and state!  You should be the one to educate them, not mislead them. 

           So, why am I ranting?  What good will it do?  Jesus didn’t get through to the Pharisees, why do I think I can? 

           That goes back to the sheep and the goats.  The goats overlooked the suffering of the least of these.  They turned a blind eye to the suffering going on around them.  They just let it happen.  I don’t want to be a goat.  I can’t turn a blind eye when people are being oppressed and persecuted.  I have to say something or be in danger of being a goat.  I also have to say something because many people I love are being blindly lead by these Pharisaical politicians.  “The laws match what I believe, so I should support them.”  Or worse yet, “Well, I don’t really agree with that, but I can’t vote against my political party.”

           I love you to much to let you wind up as goats without at least trying to help you see.  Jesus was ALWAYS on the side of the least of these, the poor, the oppressed.  Jesus always showed love and compassion to the sinner.  I need to stand with Jesus even if it makes people mad… even if you feel the need to "unfriend" me... even if it gets me oppressed or persecuted.

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