Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When It Is "One of Those Days"

I had a day yesterday that would have made old Murphy proud.  I don't think there was much more that could go wrong; dogs escaping, a sick child, bad news from family members.  It was one of those days where you didn't know whether to scream, pull your hair out, or (as it usually is in my case) sit down and cry.  How as Christians do we deal with "One of Those Days?"

As a Presbyterian, I believe in a Sovereign God, but that doesn't mean that God purposely orchestrates every car that cuts you off, every light that turns yellow, or any of the other bigger things that seem bent on ruining your day.  God loves us and has our best interests at heart.  That doesn't mean that God is going to make you remember to shut the fence gate, or keep some kid from sneezing his germs on yours, or keep us from destructive behavior.

So how does being a Christian help with days like this?  Does it help?  I believe that it does.  I believe that I make it through those days with God's strength.  I even slept last night (much to my surprise!)

Here are two things I cling to when I have a bad day.

1. Romans 8:26 says "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words." 
When all you can do is cry, God understands what you mean and what you need.  You don't even need to voice it. 
2. I try to remember to pray "not my will, but Thy will be done."  When things are all going wrong I don't always know what is the right thing to do.  I don't always know what to pray for.  I trust that God does know what is best.  There have been many times when what seemed like a tragedy at the time, turned out to be the best thing in the world.  For example:  Because Baylor temporarily lost my application, I wound up going to Vandy where I met my husband. 

I trust that even if God did not cause my troubles, that God CAN make good come out of them if only I ask.  "Thy will be done Lord!"  Then, comes the hard part:  actually letting go and letting God.  May you have a blessed day, even if it is "One of Those Days."


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